Thursday, July 15, 2010

New World Order

Brother's fight. That's part of the deal. Macho has now started becoming more aggressive with his adopted brother Hank. As Macho has become more assertive, Hank has taken issue. His efforts to control Macho through his strict sense of German discipline have failed. As you can see, Macho exposed Hank's wig pontytail and non-Asian heritage. There is a new world order on De Haro St.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Magnum Macho

Sorry its been a while since I rapped at ya'll. Things here with Macho have been wild. As you can see to the left Macho got his first car. Its a 2008 Dodge Magnum, the crown jewel of American automotive engineering. As a parent you are nervous when your dog starts driving but you hope the lessons in the parking lot pay off. Macho's problem, as you may have guessed, is fast driving and deep bass. Last week I found a pink spiked collar and an empty bottle of Courvoisier in the Magnum. When pressed about it Macho said, "Well what did you think was gonna happen when you give Macho Man a Magnum." Touche Macho.