Today Macho made his debut at our local dog park. If Macho is anything, he is totally stoked to meet new dogs and people. However, Macho is severly lacking in self awareness. For example, to the left you can see Macho attempting to tussle with a chow-husky mix named Dodo (agreed, unfortunate name). Macho did not seem aware of the fact that he weighs about a fifth of Dodo, nor did that fact deter him from headbutting Dodo. Within minutes Macho got about four left jabs to face sending Macho tumbling backwards. Each time Macho got back up and persisted with the headbutting move. When your legs are that short I guess that's all you can do. Afterward, Macho told me, "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog." Good boy Macho.