Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More Snow Macho

Macho thought he looked pretty bad-ass in the snow so he wanted me to put some more pictures up. The lab in the background is his boy Moose. They form a wanna be Milo and Otis pair. Guess who's the cat?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wild Macho

Macho sure is sorry he hasn't rapped at ya'll in a while. He's had a grueling calendar lately that hasn't let him update his fans. Most of his time has been eaten up by his new found desire to explore the unknown. He's been making frequent trips to the Russian wilderness to study the rare Siberian Snow Leopards. Shortly after this picture was taken, Macho wrestled down one such leopard while in full sprint. He painlessly rendered the beast unconscious, tagged her, and then used the smelling salts he was carrying to wake her up. He said he named her "Kuboroma," which is the Swahili word for snore. Now if we could only get him to learn how to sit.